Nomad St. Moritz

Nomad St. Moritz

Former Hotel Eden
22nd-25th February 2024

Draga & Aurel are participating in NOMAD St. Moritz with a carefully curated selection of design pieces, sourced from both the Transparency Matters and Heritage collections. This selection has been meticulously chosen to be featured in the exhibition NOTITLE 02, curated by Rossana Orlandi.

The exhibition will showcase Ray pendant lights, Baia console, coffee tables, and the new Lewit bed sculpture, designed in collaboration with architect Giuliano Dell'Uva.

On this occasion, a project with Somma1967 will be unveiled, presenting a cashmere and wool plaid reinterpreted by Aurel K. Basedow, featuring one of his free, abstract, and 'wild' compositions.

Paying homage to the location and the roots of the design studio, some pieces from the Heritage Collection complete the set-up, such as the Furry chairs in bamboo and the Ernst wall unit dating back to the 1970s and restored by Draga & Aurel this year.

In the second picture: LEWIT bed.